Providing Regional Climate Services to British Columbia

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BC ACE Discussion with Climate Scientist – Trevor Murdock

Trevor Murdock
April 13, 2018 - 8:00am to 9:30am

Creekside Community Centre, 
1 Athletes Way, Vancouver, BC
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Trevor Murdock is the Lead of PCIC's Regional Climate Impacts Theme. For the past 20 years he has worked on applications of climate research to assist decision-making and planning. His work has focused on climate scenarios and online mapping tools, downscaling to high resolution, analysis of historical climate data and improvement of seasonal climate predictions.

During his presentation for BC Advanced Conservation and Efficiency (BC ACE), Trevor will introduce the climate model projections available for BC, showing climate change impact on temperature, precipitation, and related indices of extremes throughout BC. While BC is in early days of applying this information to building energy analysis, we are among the leaders on this in North America.

Trevor will speak briefly to how such information has been used in decision making to date. In particular, he will speak to climate indices used locally in climate adaptation projects by Vancouver Island Health Authority and the University of British Columbia, as well as how use of future projections relates to the BC Energy Step Code.

Finally, Trevor will provide a brief orientation to the PCIC climate data portal, where you can access climate projections and how the availability of future climate information in BC compares to data available nationally and internationally.

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