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Publication Date: Sep 2024
The Earth’s climate system is warming, and signs of climate change are increasingly evident worldwide. The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), located on eastern Vancouver Island, is no exception. How these changes impact our region will depend – in part – on how well we understand and prepare for them. Using the latest generation of comprehensive global climate models, the RDN worked with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) to prepare this report describing anticipated climate change in our region. These results will be used to inform regional hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments, infrastructure design, decision-making, and planning in the region, with the goal of improving our resilience to climate change.
Publication Date: Jul 2024
This Science Brief covers a recent paper in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems that examines to what extent shared components and computer code between models affects their simulated climate sensitivities, feedbacks and resulting projections of surface air temperature. It finds that models with shared code tend to have greater similarity in their climate sensitivities, strengths of feedbacks, and therefore in their projected surface temperatures. The authors also demonstrated that weighting ensembles of models according to their family resemblance resulted in a lower equilibrium climate sensitivity than when using a simple ensemble mean, and also reduced differences in climate sensitivity between the two most recent generations of climate models.
Publication Date: Apr 2024
The Earth’s climate system is warming, and signs of climate change are becoming evident across the planet. The capital region, located on Southern Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands of British Columbia (BC), is no exception. The Capital Regional District (CRD) has partnered with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) to produce high-resolution regional projections for temperature, precipitation, and related indices of extremes. These projections use the most up-to-date global modeling data (i.e., the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, CMIP6) to illustrate how the region’s climate may change by the middle of this century. Information provided by this report and the accompanying data is intended to support decision makers and community partners in the region with an improved understanding of projected local climate change and related impacts.
Publication Date: Nov 2023
The Earth’s climate system—atmosphere, land, ocean and the ecosystems they support—is changing in response to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and various pollutants in the atmosphere from ongoing industrial development. The increase in global mean temperature in recent decades has been unequivocally established and attributed to these anthropogenic drivers, and similar changes are being detected in key climate variables on con8nental scales. Recent historical temperature change in British Columbia is also emerging from the noise of climate variability, and future projections indicate this trend will contonue without significant cuts in carbon emissions. The regional and local manifestations of global climate change need to be studied and monitored, in order to design appropriate responses and adaptations.
Like other major cities worldwide, the City of Vancouver requires up-to-date, science-based, spatially resolved information to enable effective planning and policy decisions. This short report summarizes the data produced by the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium delivered as part of this project. We hope that it will be helpful as a stepping stone for the City as it develops plans and effective responses to these upcoming challenges.
Source Publication: pp. 17-21. In: Boldt, J.L., Joyce, E., Tucker, S., and Gauthier, S. (Eds.). 2023. State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2022. Can. Tec
Publication Date: Sep 2023
Fisheries and Oceans Canada is responsible for the management and protection of marine
resources on the Pacific coast of Canada. Oceanographically there is strong seasonality in
coastal upwelling and downwelling, considerable freshwater influence, and variability from
coupling with events and conditions in the tropical and North Pacific Ocean. The region supports
ecologically and economically important resident and migratory populations of invertebrates,
groundfish, pelagic fishes, marine mammals and seabirds.
Since 1999 an annual State of the Pacific Ocean meeting has been convened by DFO to bring
together the marine science community in the Pacific Region and present the results of the most
recent year’s monitoring in the context of previous observations and expected future conditions.
The workshop to review ecosystem conditions in 2022 was a hybrid meeting, convened both inperson in Victoria, B.C. and virtually, March 9-10, 2023. This technical report includes
submissions based on presentations given at the meeting and poster summaries.
Climate change is a dominant pressure acting on North Pacific marine ecosystems, causing, for
example, increasing temperatures, deoxygenation, and acidification, and changes to circulation
and vertical mixing. These pressures impact ecosystem nutrient concentrations and primary and
secondary productivity, which then affect higher trophic levels through the food chain. -
Source Publication: Global Water Futures, University of Saskatchewan, 2pp.
Publication Date: Sep 2023
As global temperatures rise, extreme rainfall and other precipitation events are becoming more
common and more intense. The disastrous consequences are also becoming increasingly
apparent. A research project within the Global Water Futures program, Short-Duration Extreme
Precipitation in Future Climate, takes a closer look at these changes. -
Publication Date: Jun 2023
This Science Brief covers a paper published in Nature Climate Change that uses reanalysis data to examine extreme fire weather and the conditions that drive it over the 1979-2020 period. The paper shows that temperature and relative humidity are driving observed global trends of increased fire weather. In this Science Brief we discuss what these results tell us about changes to fire weather in our province and across Canada.
Publication Date: Jun 2023
One of the key uncertainties in climate model simulations has to do with the response of low-lying marine clouds to increasing temperatures. A recent paper in the journal Nature uses a mix of radar, lidar and data from atmospheric probes to test one of the mechanisms by which cloud cover is projected to be reduced under climate change. Their findings show that this mechanism is not evident in the trade wind regions, which suggests that might not occur in nature. This further suggests that the most extreme estimates of the climate's response to greenhouse gas emissions are less likely than earlier research suggests. Here we discuss what these results tell us about changes to the Earth's sensitivity to greenhouse gas emissions and what this may mean for our province.
Publication Date: Apr 2022
As a consequence of global warming, the world's glaciers have been shrinking. Changes to glaciers in BC could have wide-ranging impacts to BC's ecosystems and human communities, across multiple sectors. Remote sensing data has been invaluable in measuring and characterizing changes to the world's glaciers. Recent research published in Remote Sensing of the Environment using such data shows that western Canadian glaciers have been melting at an accelerating rate and examines how this is related to changes in seasonal temperature and precipitation. Here we discuss what these results tell us about changes to western Canada's glaciers.
Publication Date: Feb 2022
This PCIC Primer, on Understanding Future Climate Scenarios, provides context for, and an explanation of, two sets of emissions scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), used for the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) and the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), used in CMIP6.
Publication Date: Jan 2022
As the climate warms, the Earth's cryosphere, comprised of snow, ice and frozen soil, including permafrost, has been shrinking. Changes in snow cover, depth and the timing of snow melt can have impacts on ecosystems and human communities. Data on snow cover and depth is used to identify historical trends and provides a baseline with which to compare projected future changes.
Recent research published in Atmosphere-Ocean examines trends in snow cover as measured at observing stations by ruler and sonic sensors, looking at how snow cover has changed over the 1955-2017 period and comparing the two methods of measurement. In this Science Brief we discuss what these results tell us about snow cover in Canada's changing climate.
Publication Date: Jul 2021
Main findings: Based on observations and modeling, the occurrence of a heatwave with maximum daily temperatures (TXx) as observed in the area 45–52 ºN, 119–123 ºW, was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change. The observed temperatures were so extreme that they lie far outside the range of historically observed temperatures. This makes it hard to quantify with confidence how rare the event was. In the most realistic statistical analysis the event is estimated to be about a 1 in 1000 year event in today’s climate.There are two possible sources of this extreme jump in peak temperatures. The first is that this is a very low probability event, even in the current climate which already includes about 1.2°C of global warming -- the statistical equivalent of really bad luck, albeit aggravated by climate change. The second option is that nonlinear interactions in the climate have substantially increased the probability of such extreme heat, much beyond the gradual increase in heat extremes that has been observed up to now. We need to investigate the second possibility further, although we note the climate models do not show it. All numbers below assume that the heatwave was a very low probability event that was not caused by new nonlinearities. With this assumption and combining the results from the analysis of climate models and weather observations, an event, defined as daily maximum temperatures (TXx) in the heatwave region, as rare as 1 in a 1000 years would have been at least 150 times rarer without human-induced climate change. Also, this heatwave was about 2°C hotter than it would have been if it had occurred at the beginning of the industrial revolution (when global mean temperatures were 1.2°C cooler than today). Looking into the future, in a world with 2°C of global warming (0.8°C warmer than today which at current emission levels would be reached as early as the 2040s ), this event would have been another degree hotter. An event like this -- currently estimated to occur only once every 1000 years, would occur roughly every 5 to 10 years in that future world with 2°C of global warming.
Publication Date: Jun 2021
The state of the future climate depends on human actions, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases and other industrial pollutants. This raises the questions: "What path are recent historical emissions following?" "What path would we be on, if we continue with business-as-usual, in the absence of further mitigation action?" And, "Are these paths reliable guides to future emissions?" One scenario that is commonly used in the scientific literature, RCP 8.5, is often referred to as "business-as-usual." Recently, some scientists have taken issue with this description, saying it is unrealistic and may hinder the goal of emissions reductions policy. Others argue that, in fact, RCP 8.5 is the scenario that most closely tracks cumulative emissions to date, that it is thus of the most use for planning out to the middle of the century. In this Science Brief, we unpack each of these arguments and evaluate what these differing perspectives can tell us about the ultimate objective of emissions scenarios as tools for exploring future climate change.
Publication Date: Mar 2021
Relationships among surface wind speed, North Pacific climate variability, Pacific climate variability, and tree/weather related power outages are investigated in forest rich British Columbia using almost 12 years of BC Hydro (BCH) wind and power outage data, two decades of BC weather station observations and two climate variability indices. Strong surface wind is found to be the dominate cause of power outages that are reported as being tree or weather related. The observed regional fraction of power outage days and the number of influenced customers per outage day increases quickly when the daily maximum wind speed (DMWS) exceeds 50 km/hr. These extreme winds are mostly observed during winter, with substantial interannual variability in BC coastal regions in the frequency of strong days when DMWS exceeds 50 km/hr. A simple empirical outage model is developed using monthly DMWS frequency in southern coastal BC as a predictor. Cross-validation, which is used to estimate the model's out-of-sample performance, suggests a useful level of skill in hindcasting subseasonal to interannual variations in the frequency of observed regional tree/weather outage occurrence during the 2005 to 2017 period when power outage data are available. The widespread power outage event of December 2006 can also be captured when winter windstorm information is added as an additional model input.
Publication Date: Feb 2021
This Science Brief covers a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, by Xu et al. (2020), who use global climate model (GCM) output, weather station data, estimates of historical global population density, and data on global gross domestic product (GDP), crop and livestock production, to determine if there has been a human climate niche. They determine that such a niche has existed. For the past 6000 years, human populations have lived largely in a fairly narrow range of climates and populations clustered around two temperature ranges, with most people living in a range of about 11°C to about 15°C for mean annual temperature and a smaller, but significant portion living in a range around 20°C to about 25°C.
They then examine how this niche may change in the future. They find that, under a high emissions scenario, this niche is projected to shift spatially more in the upcoming 50 years than it has in the past 6000, leaving a third of the projected future human population in regions where the mean annual temperature is greater than 29°C. -
Publication Date: Jan 2021
This report provides an assessment of how climatic design data relevant to the National Building Code of Canada and the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code might change as the climate continues to warm.
Publication Date: Aug 2020
This report places the conditions in British Columbia (BC) over 2019 into climatological context. It finds that: a moderate El Niño likely contributed to a slightly warmer than normal 2019 in BC; anomalous warmth peaked in spring, forcing rapid melt of a near-normal winter snowpack; precipitation in summer and fall was above-to-much-above normal across the province; trends in temperature are positive for the period 1950 – 2019 with minimum temperatures (Tmin) increasing faster than maximum temperatures (Tmax), and that precipitation shows no significant trend over the same period.
- Source Publication: BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative, 64 pp. Publication Date: Jul 2020
Publication Date: May 2020
As the Arctic warms, the rate at which microbes in Arctic soil digest soil organic matter increases and, with it, the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere also increases. The amount of carbon released into the atmosphere from permafrost in this region is significant and so it is important to measure it accurately and be able to make credible projections of it.
Publishing in Nature Climate Change, Natali et al. (2019) use observations of CO2 flux from Arctic and Boreal permafrost soil to create a model that allows them to estimate winter (October through the end of April) soil carbon flux over the 2003-2017 period. They also drive their model with global climate model output, to make projections of future CO2 flux in the region. They estimate that approximately 1.7 gigatonnes of carbon (GtC) were released each winter over the 2003-2017 period. The authors also find that, of the variables that they tested, soil temperature had the largest relative influence on CO2 flux. Their projections show future winter Arctic soil fluxes of about 2.0 GtC per year by 2100, for a moderate emissions scenario, and about 2.3 GtC per year, assuming a high-emissions scenario.
Publication Date: Apr 2020
This report is intended to support a local understanding of how climate across the Okanagan is projected to change, and inform regional planning on how to prepare for future climate events. This report offers climate projections for both the 2050s and the 2080s. The 2050s projections are useful for medium-term planning purposes, while the 2080s provide guidance for long-term planning and decision-making.